Wednesday, September 26, 2012

OPI James Bond The Man With The Golden Gun

So.....OPI.....I do love them and own many of there polish colors....but I can never seem to spend the money to buy them without them being on clearance, mega, mega sale, or at my local surplus store.
They have never come out with a color that I had to have so bad I would pay $8.00 or more to have.........
Till Now...
Now I admit it is not the most ground breaking polish out there but something about it made me want it....and at $26.00 to $28.00 on eBay for pre-buy it had to be a strong "something". I kept looking at it and looking at it I always do....researched the web looking for a dupe at a better price.....however... I could not find one at a better price....maybe I did not search enough...maybe I already made up my I hit BUY IT NOW.

and here it is:

O.P.I The Man With The Golden Gun
18 Karat Gold Leaf Top Coat

Created to celebrate James Bond’s Golden Anniversary
This polish and the rest of the collection is due out this October
If you have to have it as well, Here is the seller I got mine from.

Don't Forget To Follow....It's Painless I Promise



  1. I am very envious of you!! I totally LOVE this polish, and really truly want to own it... however for $75 here (in New Zealand) I just don't know if I can justify it...
    But hey, everyone deserves a little nail polish treat from time to time ;)

    1. $75?...That is insane!....That is not just a treat, it is pure luxury...I guess if times ever get tuff you can drain the polish and pawn the me know if you break down and get it.
